Wednesday 16 July 2014

I'm making experiences...

I haven't written a post recently but over the past month I've had a lot to think about at the end of may my family found out some tragic news that my granddad was going to need open heart surgery, it was a massive shock and the whole family came together to make sure he and my nan were ok, it all went fine and he is now on the mend. After only 5 days in hospital he was up walking and back at home we cant thank the nurses, surgeons and hospital staff enough for how nice they were throughout the whole process.
When we got him home the first thing my Granddad did was walk into the living room and look out at the view from their log cabin that sits on the edge of a lake, seeing him in his happy place made me realise home much we take for granted, he thought he might never see that view and his family again and that now has made me think I need to grab life by the scruff of the neck and march full speed to make not only myself proud but my family who have truly believed in me for the past 20 years.

(Who wouldn't want to look at this view everyday?)

Being a tourism student and looking to go into the industry at the end of my degree next year I have the opportunity to see some of the great views of the world and call it experience but really everyone can have experience I believe that is just an industrial word for memories and memories make you a richer person.
So over the next year I plan on making as many memories with my university friends as I can before leaving them and after that I plan on continuing to make as many of my own memories either by myself or with my family so even if something was to happen the experiences I've made are the legacy and loveI will forever carry.

If I can be as happy after over 40 years of marriage, 3 children, 5 grandchildren and visiting many countries as my Nan and Granddad I count myself as one of the lucky ones. 

I hope that this post inspires you to take on the world for those that you love and yourself, remember even the little things make you a richer person...

Laura xo

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