Sunday 25 January 2015

Lets talk about mental health...

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so...

Mental health holds such a stigma in todays and past society, we can be so many things these days but we are still scared of talking about mental health whether it be Anxiety and Depression, Bi-polar, Stress or Eating Disorders.
If you yourself haven't been affected by mental health it is likely you know someone whether it be family or friend that has been, they may not say and it may not always show but its always there.
mental health affects our ability to make the most of opportunities in life from work to play social situations are hard enough to cope with at times without the added stress of mental health issues.

I have experienced mental health issues with a both family members and friends as well as with myself. After a string of illness my nan started to suffer with severe anxiety attacks over going out the house and not being able to get back in time if she needed to and this turned into a much more serious matter when she wouldn't leave the house and became depressed, a family friend confided in us over in the need for more of a work- life balance becoming more stressful and work becoming to much for him and the situation that has most effected me is my dad who has suffered for a few years with depression after separating from my mum as well as continually suffering with stress both self inflicted and work related causing physical illness with his heart and stomach.

But how can we help ourselves and others?
The mental health foundation in the UK suggests several points to help ourselves and others from talking about our feelings, keeping active, having a well balance diet, keeping in touch with those who make us happy and feel loved, taking a step back when things just getting too much, do things you enjoy, help others who need it and the two I think are the most important;

Accept yourself for who you are and always ask for help when you need it!

If you or someone you know if suffering with their mental health point them in the right direction there are people out there to help out so check out just a few here;

This post was inspired by JacksGap who posted a video confronting the stigma so lets cut that out and lets talk about mental health!!

Laura xo

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